Brain Control
The brain is an instrument that is no longer closed and privately owned, it has become accessible. With technology, not only can the processes of thinking and decision making be looked at, brain processes can be intervened in. Signals from the brain can control computers, computers can control signals in the brain. It is a two-way system. A brain can also be connected to another brain. With wires and sensors, all that was already possible, but as with everything…. it becomes wireless.
- Wireless brain reading.
- Your thoughts also your secrets can be read.
- Wireless brain writing.
- Words, images and memories can be placed in your brain.
This website provides information about the brain which, with the help of technology, has become readable and describable and thus impressionable. The brain signals (brainwaves) can be used to picture thoughts, memories, language, and emotions. The brain signals in our heads such as: anger, love, delight, disgust, and aggression are clearly observable. To be evoked, and changed.
The game world and medical world use brain signals for controlling computers, games. And also for influencing mood, emotional issues, sexuality and relaxation.
But it can also be used in other ways. In war situations, in interrogation of delinquents and spies. In stealing industrial concepts. People can be coerced with it, and restricted in their brain freedom.
Interference signals can be made that affect the brain and are specifically made for a situation. To change an individual’s mind. Or a group of people. The secret services around the world are illegally testing out brain influencing technology. And they are doing that by exposing ordinary citizens to it. They’ve done that many times before. With chemicals, viruses, and with a brain program: MKULTRA. developed in the previous cold war. Look it up.
The new program we’ll just call MKultra 2.0 and MKtech. It consists of several components. It is now deployed to punish, torture. The brain weapon is being tested and enhanced on civilians. Again. Innocent civilians who know nothing and are told nothing. For them this website is also.
“ This website shows the possibilities of wired and wireless brain reading and writing, deploying techniques against citizens who have not consented to an experiment. ”
Brain control by the state and big companies is diverse. It influences you, and your opinion about the media, like targeting you with ads and information that fits in your bubble. Braincontrol on this site is the hard one: direct influence on brain patterns, the brainwaves. And nerves. It is possible to read the brainwaves and to write the brainwaves.
In short: the electrical signals that are produced by neuron’s. If you can alter brainwaves or nerves, you can alter behaviour, like making choices, presences, doing things or not. Make you excited about something, alter your feelings, and the list of small or large personality changes is enormous. It can be used for good. It can be used for the bad.
But the brain is no longer your exclusive domain.There are technical solutions to read out your thoughts, to filter out patterns with the help of sophisticated and powerful AI systems.
military to military eavesdropping, jamming and disabling, develop coercive technology and apply it to civilians, non-lethal brain weapons, communication and interrogation systems
Secret agencies

Powerful companies, together with state security agencies throughout the world, are building a network of brains. There is competition in the world. If you have a brain network, connected to Ai, you can control it. If you can control it, you have power. States want hegemony, and power. Big companies are willing to assist, to produce systems, AI parks, shoot satellites into the air, and go to Mars.

Control the mind. It is not new. The idea to enter the brain of man and the first experiments to do so, came into sight during the 1st Cold War. Russian systems dominated -the so called- ‘Woodpecker’ was in operation, that broadcast low frequency radio waves. In the USA they were afraid of these new possibilities. Although the measured signal coming from the Russians had a ‘calm down’ influence on the brain, it lowered the activity in the brainwaves.
During the years 1950-1975 the MKULTRA project was born. USA used unwillingly civilians to perform experiments with. Brain control tests. With the use of drugs like LSD and electrocuting their brain. Many books and study’s are made about these projects. Thousands of CIA pages are released, after the 1977 Church Committee.
The Chinese created also powerful Mind Control systems. The European countries, mostly with USA- based technology, partly developed their own systems. Canadians have them, Germans have them and the Netherlands have them. These are highly sophisticated systems, based on collected scientific results with the help of universities and countries abroad. And large companys.
You can enter the mind, the brain. The electrical chemical system can get affected, damaged, altered. Your ‘personality’ and the choice you want to make. And these NEW tech systems can be used as weapons. Or to control people: make them think the same, collect memories, steal ideas. Make them aggressive or relaxed.
To enhance sexuality, or to block it. Control of the mind can go for the best or the worst. It is our last barrier. We can think what we want. We are not always able to say what we think, but now you can’t think what you want. Or, you can be held responsible for your thoughts.
It can be read out of your head. And used against you. Not all of this will happen, but for now, the possibilities are in development. It is possible. There is no mind protection law that is obeyed by the different countries that are using these brain reading and writing technology.
The brain has no firewall.

The PERSON that is chosen by the State to be used for experimentations.
They need a person to train their secret service on, in real life situations. Although they use many civilians, some are chosen for full time availability. For anything the State wants to learn. Long time experimentation’s. In the past they used people who were detained, or in hospitals, now they can isolate them from society and train and use them from distance in their own houses.
Their goal is finding a technology based solution to control man. Their brains and behaviour. For developing new tech to place people under surveillance, to enter and control the brain.
And more practical: to have someone available to train their personnel on. Young agents that need to train their skills in the real world, and experienced agents that need to prove their certificates. The State needs to experiment and learn. They choose one human that is being used as an object, a Guinea pig, a laboratory rat. Such a person we in the Netherlands know under the name: TESTMENS. How awful this country is doing this.
I am such a person. My book tells you in detail all about it. It took me eight years to find out that some of the programs I am on now, are similar to those of the Targeted Individuals. Program with the following elements: Receiving sound and voices Voice to Skull (V2K), dream manipulation, AI based inner voices, pain stings, predictive mind reading, returning thoughts and vocalising them. Negative psychology. Sexual punishment and altering behaviour. Skinner methods. Full control and isolation, breaking into my car, house, stealing and altering things.
But they used me before. I was in an International European training programs for spy agencies, and the Dutch MIVD and AIVD are in. They train in anti-terror activities, anti-spy activities, in cooperation, classic and new technology.
They trained at me. Not with the purpose of killing, but to affect me with doses that are lethal if higher. They did not want me dead, they wanted to continue using me.
‘They’ are the Dutch Secret Service. The military service MIVD and the national one, AIVD. During international training with alleys, partners they trust. TESTMENS people are being used, all countries have them. So the French may train on me, like the Germans, the Belgians, and the Americans. The Dutch can train on their guinea pigs. These TESTMENS people, are forced to play the game: they are the hunters, you are the mouse. They use all types of force and technology to get you in the play, into fear: gas, poison, nerve hacking, radio waves and sound. They isolate you, push you out of your house. Out of your city. Unbelievable, but reality. The brain is hacked. Like a computer.
This all happened to me. A strong healthy Dutch man living in France. After five years exercises, when I did not respond anymore, or it became too difficult to use me, they hacked my brain.
They did the unthinkably. I refused. I kept silenced for two years. During that time, I told nobody my story. Their goal was: Crazy or suicide. ‘None of that, I repeated. I am going to tell my story’. I have been going to the CTIVD, the commission that controls the secret agencies in the Netherlands. They took me seriously. Only three civilian cases a year are being inspected. Mine was. And the outcome of that process was:
“It is in the interest of the State not to tell you what is happening”
A civilian case never succeeds, if you look at their cases. It is not democratic. You, the person, have no rights. The truth stops, the law stops, civilian rights stop, human rights stop. It is in the interest of the state. And although the Dutch are clever and build their own NERVE effecting system, they use good old MKULTRA tech, originated from the US, based on WO2 war criminals. To make life like hell.
Because they used me for practicing skills and the development of new tech, I know a lot about how it works, what they can do, what it can do to you. They practice, I see, feel and write down what they do. Make recordings, photographs. Publish.