
It can be awfull. It can be pleasure.


In use for psychotronic warfare to torture and force people. Used for brain control. There are several weapons in use based on sound only, some also have a combination of signals in them. That can be a loud hearable sound, or un-hearable sound above or under the hearing range of humans, 20-20.000 Hz. 

The secret services in countries -the Netherlands included- are experimenting and using sound to coerce civilians. During the Ireland conflict, it was used to break up demonstrations. The Mosquito Anti-Social Device (M.A.D), which emits high frequency sound, around 20,000hz and above, with a range of around 15 to 20 meters has been in use by the city Rotterdam. To deter young people from ‘hangplekken’.

Psychotronic warfare

In warfare, sound is used too. Weapons are available. Here we discuss sound in use for brain control. The most powerful part in brain control is the spoken word. If you can communicate with the victim, against his will, you can use psychological biological influence. To force. 

Not only a sound, they hear voices too. There are multiple ways to let people hear voices. Voices that others cannot hear and are not recordable. And without wires. So that is very powerful. Some are hearable in the head pass the ears, others use vibration in the skull. Hearing voices is possible. 

1. Photoacoustic communications, an intensity-modulated laser beam.

2. Phased array acoustic systems e.g. the Audio Spotlight.

3. Long Range Acoustic Devices like LRAD used for projecting sound.

4. V2K sound directly in the skull of man with pulsed radio signal. 

5. Bone-conduction. 

In 1973, The United States deployed the Urban Funk Campaign, a psychoacoustic attack during the war with the intention of altering the mental states of their enemies (Goodman, 2010). This device utilized both infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies, which emitted high Decibel oscillations from a mounted helicopter onto the Vietnamese ground troops. 

Goodman also supports this discussion: “It has been noted that certain infrasonic frequencies plug straight into the algorithms of the brain and nervous system. Frequencies of 7 hertz, for example, coincide with theta rhythms, thought to induce moods of fear and anger.” The Spy People with Havana Syndrome 2017 heard a sound. A CIA personnel working in Africa ‘Alice’ mentioned hearing a sound:

“I heard a weird noise …felt it in my feet… like the reverb of a speaker”

It is also in the final US Senate report: an electro magnetic acoustical weapon was used in the attack. Targeted Individuals heard it. The 650 people interviewed by team Robert Duncan, all TI, were able to hear sounds and voices; none was deaf. It has to do with sound. I feel the vibrations and hear sounds too. 


Woody Norris, who would later found the LRAD Corporation, discussed the military application of ultrasound on a hypersonic sound lecture in 2004. Stating that the device had been deployed by the U.S military for use within Iraq, in order to deceive the enemy by creating the sound ‘fake’ troops. He designed a tool that places voices and sounds in a sandwich between two ultrasound layers.

Now you hear the sound not in your ears but in the air, or on the object it hits. Only if it is focused on you like a beam of light you can hear. Another method is using a laser to project sound. It uses the moisture in your ear. It is a photonlaser. The special ones can project sound up to 2 km. In use is also a method for hearing sound in the brain using radiowaves.


The effect of sound on our brain often leads back to a common theme of resonance. Sound is vibration. It vibrates the ear and other organs. You can feel it even if you cannot hear it. All objects and human organs have a property known as their resonant frequency. If you apply the same frequency with sound as the resonant frequency of the body, you create psychological effects. So, you have the possibility of a device that produces a frequency that causes vibration of the eyeballs—and therefore distortion of vision.

Unhearable sound because it is out of our hearing zone, but it can influence the brain and the body.

  • ELF  extreme Low Frequenties or Infrasound 0,1 – 20 Hz
  • US Ultrasound audio frequency’s above 20.000 Hz


SOUND and influence in emotions

Exposure to levels above 80db between 0.5Hz and 10Hz causing these possible vibrational movements within the ear’s functions, are said to cause psychological changes such as fear, sorrow, depression, anxiety, nausea, chest pressure and hallucinations.

Our auditory range can play an important role in our body, such as our equilibrioception (balance), proprioception and kinesthesia (joint motion and acceleration), time, nociception (pain), magnetoception (direction), and thermoception (temperature differences) (HEYS, 2011). 

In order to fully understand how the military application of sound can impact subjects psychologically, we must first understand how sound affects us mentally.  (Liljeström, 2011) suggest six main mechanisms that happen when we perceive sound:

1. Brain Stem Reflex is the effect of the brain recognizing the acoustic properties of a sound, signaling the brain to react instinctively. 

2. Evaluative conditioning is the effect of association between setting and sound; if the brain has heard a specific sound repeatedly in a specific setting, this triggers an emotional connection between the two.

3. Emotional contagion is the perception of emotion expressed in certain sounds, whether the audio sounds sad, the association is recognized by the brain as an expression of emotion.

4.Visual imagery relates to the brain’s association between a certain sound and a visual image or sensation.

5. Episodic memory is the effect of the brain recognizing sound as a memory, evoking the thought of stations to which a memory of sound was present.

6. Sound expectancy is the brains mechanism of expecting how a sound will hear through previous experience.

It is these mechanisms within the brain that aid us to draw the association between sound techniques developed for Target Individuals in order to alter the state of mind of subjects. Whether it is by creating resonance within the brain or allowing for association between a sound and setting.

Sonic frequencies, used in order to impact subjects negatively in varied approaches such as interrogation, or in warfare to crowd control and creating fear against enemies. 

U.S’s PsyOps use of heavy metal and children’s music as a means of interrogation during warfare. Sergeant Mark Hadsell states “If you play it for 24 hours, your brain and  body functions start to slide, your train of thought slows down, and your will is broken. That’s when we come in and talk to them.” (BBC, 2003).

NL PsyOpts use talking to the victim 24/7 as tool to make the individual mumb , and try to pursuit to do things.   

the brainhack