

” This book enters a world we did not know existed. Truth written in a non-fictional mix and a luring dystopian future that is starting now.”



MIND YOU is a collaborative film project about Nick a journalist, who is attacked by the Secret Agency, in an effort to alter and take over his mind.

MIND-YOU synopsis / augustus 2020

Early retired journalist Nick moved several years back to a mountain area in central Europe to live a simple life along with his dog. He renovates his cabin, grows vegetables, and writes occasionally articles about the agriculture politics in the EU.

He barely interacts with his neighbors in the small mountain village, and the corrupt head of town. Although the surrounding is beautiful, generally simple things in his live go wrong and the atmosphere is tense. Suddenly he is confronted with a computer virus that makes working impossible and gives him small clues to fulfill.

If unknown people are walking around his house and take over his neighbors chalet, life for Nick becomes almost unlivable, strange invisible threats are an attack for his health. The pressure results in an escape with his dog and backpack to the mountains. He tries everything to stay alive and to distract the people that follow him, but he is confronted with ultramodern tools and traps, he hardly can avoid. Together with his dog he is able to miss some of them, but he is affected by others. It becomes clear that they do not want to kill him, but this manhunt is overpowering him.

He leaves his dog with a mountaineer, and escapes incognito the country.

We see Nick again in his homeland united with his dog. Living a normal life in a normal city. Everything looks fine. After this welcome he meets a girl in town, but soon after that, the nightmare return into his life. He is confronted with people that try to manipulate him and confront him with a major crime decades ago, he is not guilty on.

The girl he has a relation with, is more involved into his live, and slowly she takes over his daily routines. But she also tries to manipulate him. Nick experiences people who are trying to insist him to join the Secret Agency as a journalist, but all meetings go wrong. Again, his house is no longer a safe place to live in, strange things do happen and he feels the pressure. Slowly his mind is being altered and attacked. He knows this force is coming from outside. They are trying to take over his will and try to create a puppet on a chain from him, someone they can manipulate and give orders to fulfill. Dangerous orders.

He is slowly losing his will and personality, although he knows this new technic is able to enter his mind, he does not find a solution to stop it. When Nick becomes sick and almost helpless and dreams exactly what they want him to see, the harsh reality sinks in. The Secret Agency wanted Nick as a guinea pig, someone that is good to test their new technology at, and Nick as a creative independent person was the ideal man to fulfill that role.

By hunting him down, they were able to test their new satellite based technics on him, by breaking his mind under the scull they could fine tune their interrogation methods.

With an enormous effort, some luck, and with help from his old friend, Nick is able to gain control over his mind again, and to write his story as a journalist. Together with proof it is published and soon after that the government collapsed. Nick gets his old life back and returns to the mountains. But is it safe over there?

© Raymond  / august 2020


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Nick is forced against his will to be used as guinea pig by the Secret Agency. Behalf all the efforts to overpower him and to make him a willless remote puppet on-a-chain, he fights his way back to take control over his mind and personality. With believe in his innocence.

Let's bring your visionary ideas to life, together!



‘MIND YOU’ is an open project. It is written by me, but can be produced and created by a group. Filmmakers, artists and creators worldwide are invited to work together, enhancing each other’s skills and power.

This fictional movie is based on reality. That is, that it is possible to hack brains, to alter your mind. Already in the fifties, the CIA used a program to find a way to read minds. The Russians did it too. They hacked the brain, they did it with me.

That is why I wrote the script. It’s strange, scary, thrill-seeking, energetic. It is a fight between minds. You feel something is happening, there is a threat, unknown energy, your world is changing, everything is going wrong. But what! How to prevail, be yourself, reclaim your freedom? In the end, truth will prevail. But freedom does not come easy.

It is my scenario, but I believe in collaboration, in fundraising, in creative minds, in do-it-yourself. The end result will be better than ever. Nonconventional. So you can join! We will make this project real. Your adhesion makes directly part of the project. There is a way to combine.

MIND YOU have different stages. We are at stage one.
1. Introducing the project, the synopsis and will be open to participants. My kickoff is the MIND YOU synopsis and treatment. Here the story starts.

Filmmaking is a step-by-step process. Mind you, there is work to do. Who can participate? We need people to start the project: production, funding. If you want to participate in the project, please call. You can collaborate with other creative minds. We kickstart, we Indiegogo.

I made other docs, wrote drama, interactives, animations and scripts. But doing it the old way, takes a long classical path, and I want to be as independent as possible and work in a collaborative world. This website will gradually grow with the project, with tools to communicate, upload and work together.

Mind-You are a product of Testmens. I would love to hear from you!

Send me mail.


Your brain is beautiful

Do not let radio waves and sound destroy it


1. Estabrooks, G.H. “Hypnosis comes of age”. Science Digest, 44–50, April 1971.

    2. Gillmor, D.I Swear By Apollo: Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-Brainwashing Experiments. Montreal: Eden Press, 1987.

    3. Goliszek, Andrew. In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, and Human Experimentation. New York: St. Martins, 2003. Print.

    4. Jacobsen, Annie. Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. Little, Brown, 2014. ISBN 978-0-316-22105-4.

    5. Marks, John. The Search for the ‘Manchurian Candidate” – The Story of the CIA’s Secret Efforts to Control Human Behaviour. Penguin Books, 1979.

    6. McCoy, Alfred. Science in Dachau’s Shadow: Hebb, Beecher, and the Development of CIA Psychological Torture and Modern Medical Ethics. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Volume 43 (4), 2007,

    7. McCoy, Alfred.Torture and Impunity: The U.S. Doctrine of Coercive Interrogation. University of Wisconsin Pres, Aug 24, 2012.

    8. Ronson, Jon.The Men Who Stare At Goats. New York:Simon and Schuster, 2004.

    9. Scheflin, A. W., & Opton, E. M.The Mind Manipulators. New York: Paddington Press, 1978.

    10. Simpson, C. Science of Coercion: Communication research & psychological warfare 1945-1960. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

    11. Thomas, G.Journey into Madness: The Secret Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York: Bantam, 1989.

    12.  Colin A. Ross, The CIA Docters: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists: Manitou Communications, January 2000

    13. Weinstein, H.Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control. Washington, D.C. : American Psychiatric Press, 1999                                            

    14.  Felipe Saboya De Santa Cruz Abreu,  MKTECH Invasion and Mind Control Volume two, october 2020. 

    15.  Robert Duncan , Project Soulcatcher, Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic revealed Volume 2, High Order Thinkers Publishing 2010.

 16.  Alison Miller, Becoming yourself overcoming mind control and ritual abuse, Karnac Books Ltd London 2014.

    17.  The Battle for your Brain, defending the right to think in the age of neurotechnology, Nita A. Farahany, st. Martin’s Press New York 2024.