The beautiful brain
Brain War
Mind control is brain war. Your brain is yourself, you are always comfortable with it, yourself. If your brain is hackable and accessible, strange people you do not know or want to know, enter your life. Synthetic telepathy is the name. Your brain connected to a machine or another brain.
They are going to change everything you know, you loved, all that makes you a person, with memories, flavors, preferences, and ideas about how the world is. Your only completely private part -the brain- is no longer private. In fact, your life is over. You are in the hands of an unknown group of sadists, criminals, that call themselves the secret agency, military or national. They are going to use you in experiments, plans you will never know. With access to your memories, your language and knowledge, all that is you, becomes them. During mind control – where you are locked to an invisible computer-, they start to make recordings of your behaviour and try to change you. With access to your unconscious, and your hearing. Talk you to madness. And steal your ideas.

The 1st step in the process of making a human accessible to control his mind, is to isolate him. When isolated from free access to the internet, post, delivery and phone, and social contacts, the victim becomes more vulnerable to mind influences.
All outside his home is controlled. If he tries to make a phonecall, the Secret Service is not only tapping the conversation, they are also the ones you speak too. You are talking with them. Mind surveillance. Like the phone, the internet is controlled, pages are redirected, packages are distributed by them, in a suit from the known service.
Mind Control is in-fact trying to control behavior. The best position for the Secret Service is that none else is available for the victim. They use the same routine as child abusers, and sex trafficking. This is also published in the book for victims of mind control and sexual abuse. Alison Miller.
Create Fear
The second step is to create fear. A sudden story is produced where the victim is named. He or she is blamed for something that is not done. Maybe they start communicating with the victim. Break in the house. Zersetzung. Psychological warfare, like the Stasi did. Let victims know that they, the powerful Secret Service is there. The innocent victim will think that attention will suddenly go away, after an investigation. But it is just starting. Some type of aggression is used. That can be gas, electrical discharges, people that confront you, or sound that is projected at you, that keeps you out of your sleep. Mostly: all together. Fear is growing. And the victim feels alone, isolated, and is mostly not believed if she is complaining, or seeks help.
They start to talk to you during the nights. In your dreams. Ask your questions. And you answer them. If your fear is not enough, you encounter daily torture, direct in the nerves, until you unwillingly accept the voice. Brain Control. Good cop – Bad cop. They want to control the victim’s behavior and so his brain, learn from that, record it and make it stronger. To eventually develop a brain weapon with this knowledge.