
How to hack the brain


European Committee stated: “global ban on all research and development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of human beings, including a ban on actual or possible deployment of such systems” (Giordano, 2014).

Havana Syndrome 2017

In 2017 and later, several cases came in the news. In Havana Cuba, and in other city’s and countries,(Europe also) people were attacked in their brains. With an acoustic radio wave weapon. Sudden pain and distress. Vertigo.

But they are not hacked people.

Horizon Europe 2027

Security research programme Horizon Europe. Based on national law enforcement agencies alongside multinational weapons and IT corporations such as BAE Systems, Leonardo, Siemens, and Thales. This new program became focused on the development of biometric and other surveillance technologies. For the years (2021–2027), with a security funding budget of €1.3bn. However, a complementary budget of at least €8bn will go towards research and development of military technologies. 


How the two brainwaves come in tune with each other. An external rhythmic stimulation, the trigger, is taking over the pace. So can an external radio wave that is in the same bio-frequency, but stronger, take over the rhythm in the brain. And this radar signal is capable of sending the combined signal back to the radar. Its own and the brain signal from the target. After filtering with an AI tool, all noise is removed the brain thought is understandable. 


Using radar technology  to read brainwaves from target audience. With the same technology you can change patterns in the brain, write in the brain. Wireless on distance. In fact you can ‘clone’ the brain from one location to an other. Say to a supercomputer or.. another brain. All brains have an unique ID, like a fingerprint. It is possible to compare a collection of patterns. That is why two people standing next to each other, can’t feel that one of them is being brain read. It is exclusive.


To have powerful software, you need a lot of brains, we all are different. That is why states  secretly hack minds of random people in the population. Man, woman, civilians. If you hack many brains and read out the thoughts, and register them, reuse them, collect them; you can create a brain weapon. Something like a computer virus, but now it is targeting brains. And this is all going on, also in the Netherlands. The secret services AIVD and MIVD work together in a force: Joint Sigint Cyber Unit (JSCU). If finished, this weapon is more powerful than the atomic bomb, it is targeting humans. 

the brainhack